CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES FOR: Advent, Christmas Eve, Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, and Ecumenical Services with other local faith traditions.
MUSIC: Our choir sings year round! New voices are always welcome at Wednesday evening rehearsals, 7-7:30 pm.
PRAYER GROUPS AND PRAYER CHAINS: Sunday mornings September to May 8:30 am, special prayer gatherings, an ever present prayer chain to pray for those in our church, community, or world who need our prayers, prayer requests may also be made during our Sunday service or by contacting the Deacon on call or Pastor.
PASTORAL CARE: Visits to people of our church and in the wider community who may enjoy companionship, someone to talk to, or the particular care of our Pastor or Deacon.
CHIRSTIAN EDUCATION: Church school for all ages; children at 9:30 am following a children’s story ( Time for the Young at Heart); Youth through confirmation classes, Faith Exploration series, Middle-school-age classes, and Youth Group, also available is the Maine conference UCC Summer Camp, Pilgrim Lodge
SERVICE PROJECTS: Are as close as a neighbor’s woodpile, helping winterize (banking) peoples home’s, and as far away as our missions to Honduras with the Maine Conference.
PUBLICATIONS: Monthly newsletter The Belfry, our web site.
GOOD TIMES AND FELLOWSHIP: We gather for breakfasts, lunches, and suppers, kayaking, hiking, camping, and snowshoeing trips, pasta nights, singing sessions, and the annual Wilton Blueberry Festival the first weekend in August.
MEMBERSHIP: You are welcome to discuss membership with our minister; Membership-joining Sundays are held throughout the year.